Zion Clark


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at your next event!

Zion is now sharing his widely accessible and adaptable message with audiences of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds.
Whether speaking to Fortune 500 audiences, emerging startups, athletes, college students, or nonprofit leaders, Zion provides key takeaways that can be applied to our lives and businesses in a multitude of ways.
He offers listeners insight as to what it takes to overcome challenges—no matter what they might be—and focuses his message on result-oriented practices, exercises, and endeavors that demonstrate how we can achieve the seemingly impossible in a relatable and practical manner.
Zion’s raw, charismatic personality, heart, and energetic soul are infectious, allowing him to connect with individuals on a deep emotional level while simultaneously leaving listeners with practical recipes, actionable steps, and a toolbox for success—however defined—that we can all apply to our lives regardless of our own circumstances or backgrounds.
If you would like to invite Zion to speak at your next event, please be in touch!
Get in contact to book Zion for your next event:

Zion speaking at the F45 World Conference:


Born without legs and raised in foster care, one teen finds confidence through competitive wrestling. Zion proves that possibility is a question of perspective.
Winner of two Sports Emmy's and nominated for Short Film Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival.

zion unmatched

An extraordinary, deeply inspirational photo essay follows elite wheelchair racer and Netflix documentary star Zion Clark on his quest for Paralympic gold.
This stunning photographic essay showcases Zion Clark’s ferocious athleticism and undaunted spirit. Co-written by New York Times best-selling journalist James S. Hirsch, this book features striking, visually arresting images and an approachable and engaging text, including pieces of advice that have motivated Zion toward excellence and passages from Zion himself. Explore Zion’s journey from a childhood lost in the foster care system to his hard-fought rise as a high school wrestler to his current rigorous training to prepare as an elite athlete on the world stage. Included are biography and a note from Zion.